Mark Shimada

English Phrasal Verb Practice for “pick out” and “pick up”

Alex lived in the city. He was sitting in his favorite cafe. He was a young man. He met three wonderful women. Each woman was unique and charming. It was time to pick out someone [ scegliere qualcuno ]. He wanted to go on a date. His grandmother said to him, “Love is like picking out fruit [ selezionare la frutta ].”

First, there was Sarah. Sarah liked books. She loved to laugh. Alex could pick her out [ riconoscerla ] anywhere. She had red hair and glasses. Picking out novels [ scegliere romanzi ] would be fun. 

Next is Emily. She is adventurous. She likes to hike a lot. Alex saw her at a park. He picked her out [ scoperta/individuata ] at a park. She was climbing a wall. His date with her would be a picnic. First, they would pick up picnic supplies [ preso scorte da picnic ].

Lastly, there is Grace. She was a talented musician. Her melodies picked up his spirit [ risollevato il suo spirito ]. Their date would be at a jazz club. He could pick up a few dance steps [ imparare qualche passo di danza ] with her.

Finally, Alex decided to pick out Sarah. He connected with her. He planned to pick her up [ andarla a prendere ] at her place. He was nervous but ready. He picked up a bouquet of flowers. He drove to her place. His heart picked up its pace. That afternoon, they picked out books [ scelsero dei libri ]. They talked and laughed. Alex drove her home. They shared a hug at the end.

He got home later. He felt he made the right choice. Then his phone buzzed. Emily was calling him. She picked out another day [ scelse un altro giorno app ] for a date. 

Alex decided to date Emily, too. They went on a hike. He went dancing with Grace, too.

Alex picked up some new hobbies and interests [ iniziato nuovi hobby e acquisito nuovi interessi ]. Alex was happy. He enjoyed dating. Who did he end up with? He hasn’t decided yet.

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