Mark Shimada

English Phrasal Verb Practice for “turn on” and “turn off”

Jake slept too long. He jumped out of bed. He turned on the light [ accese la luce ] in his small apartment. He quickly got ready for work. He heard his mom’s voice. "Don't forget to turn off the TV [ spegnere la televisione ]." He smiled and turned it off [ la spense ].

Jake got on the bus. He thought about a mystery novel he was reading. The mystery turned him on to reading  [ gli mise voglia di leggere ] again. But, a passenger talked too loud. That turned him off from reading  [ gli tolse la voglia di leggere ] for now. Jake liked silence on his way to work.

Finally, he arrived at work. Jake turned on his computer [ accese il suo computer ]. A colleague had a problem with his car. He took a break to check it. He turned on the car engine [ accese il motore della macchina ]. It made a strange noise. So, he turned off the engine [ spense il motore ]. He went back inside. 

Near his desk, Jake saw a co-worker watering the plants. Jake wanted to help him. He went and got the hose. He asked her, "May I turn on the hose [ aprire la manichetta ] for you?” He helped her then turned off the faucet [ chiuse il rubinetto ].

Jake went home. He turned on the TV. There was a soccer game. He heard about a soccer player. A player got a red card. The fans quickly turned on the player [ criticarono il giocatore ]. 

After the game, Jake thought about a co-worker’s presentation. She didn’t get all the information right. Her success turned on having all the facts right. He was worried about his presentation. He knew that one mistake could turn off his boss's respect [ fargli predere il rispetto del suo capo ].

Jake was hungry. He wanted to make dinner. He decided to cook something spicy. Spicy foods turned on his taste buds [ stimolavano le sue papille gustative ]. Before he ate, he had to take some medicine. He opened the medicine bottle. The strong smell turned off his appetite [ gli tolse l’appetito ]. He decided to eat later.

A few hours later, Jake went to bed. He turned off the light [ spense la luce ] and laid in bed. He thought about his day. Turning on and turning off was a daily part of life [ accendere e spegnere era un’attività quotidiana ].

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