Mark Shimada

English Phrasal Verb Practice for “run in,” “run out,” and "run up"

One sunny morning, Lucy went to a small shop near her house. Shen went to buy some bread for breakfast. On her way, she saw police officers chase someone running out [ che usciva di corsa ] of a store. Lucy was surprised but continued on her day.

After breakfast, Lucy remembered she needed new shoes. The shoes were for her school sports day. She knew it was important to run in new shoes [ sformare le scarpe nuove ] before using them. So, she went with her mom to some shoe stores. There, Lucy walked around to run them in [ per dare loro la forma ]. 

Then, Lucy's mom said, "We need to hurry up. Our parking time will run out soon [ il parcheggiò scadrà presto ]." She quickly chose the one she liked. They paid for the shoes and left.

At home, Lucy wanted to make tea, but they ran out of tea bags [ non c’erano più bustine di tè ]. "Oh no! We've run out [ non ne abbiamo più ]," Lucy said. "Can you go and buy some?" her mom asked. Lucy quickly ran out the door [ corse fuori ] to the supermarket.

At the supermarket, Lucy saw her friend Anna. Anna said, "I was going to call you. I ran out of party invitations [ Avevo finito gli inviti ]. Can you come to my party?" Lucy was happy about it and said she’d go.

After she got home from the supermarket, her Mom asked her to help her. The garden path didn’t run up [ il sentiero nel giardino non arrivava fino ] to the new flowers. Her mom asked Lucy, "Help me make the path run up [ a far arrivare il sentiero fino ] to the flowers.” Lucy agreed.

As they started to work on the garden path, Lucy remembered something. She told her Mom, “I had a run in [ mi sono scontrata ] with a math problem. I have an idea. I’ll be right back.” Her mom was happy that she was working on her homework. Lucy returned a few minutes later. 

After dinner, Lucy went to her room. It had been a long day. She was happy that she ran into [ di aver incontrato ] Anna to go to her party. She was looking forward to the party. Then, Lucy fell asleep.

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